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Technical Specifications


• Polymer-based multi mode columns with reversed phase and ion exchange chromatography ​

• Modified with sulfo groups supports multimode (reversed phase and cation exchange) analysis

• Ideal for the analysis of complex samples containing neutral and ionic substances

• For the separation of water-soluble substances such as nucleotides, nucleosides, nucleobases, water-soluble vitamins and amino acids

• Wide working pH range


This is the guard column for F7008140, RSpak NN-814.


Product code: F6700510

Product name: RSpak NN-G

Separation: RP

Functional group: Sulfo

Gel material: Polyhydroxymethacrylate

Plates per column: (guard)

Particle size: 10 µm

Pore size: 200 Å

Size (ID x length): 6.0 x 50 mm

Housing material: steel

Maximum pressure: -

Usual flow rate: -

Maximum flow rate: -

Temperature range: 10 to 50°C

pH range: 2 to 12

Salt concentration: ≤ 0.5 M

Shipping solvent: 0.1 M sodium phosphate buffer (pH 3)

USP: -

Country of Origin: Japan

HS code: 90279000

RSpak NN-G | 6.0 x 50 mm Vorsäule

Artikelnummer: F6700510

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