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Technical Specifications


• Column with calcium (Ca2+) counter ions

• Combination of ligand exchange and HILIC modes
• Suitable for separating sugar alcohols
• Fulfills USP L19 and L22 requirements


This is the guard column for SUGAR SC1211, F7001400.


Product code: F6700120

Product name: SUGAR SC-1211G 4A

Separation: Ligand Exchange + HILIC

Functional group: Sulfo (Ca2+)

Gel material: Styrene divinylbenzene copolymer

Plates per column: (guard)

Particle size: 10 µm

Pore size: -

Size (ID x length): 4.6 x 10 mm

Housing material: steel

Maximum pressure: -

Usual flow rate: -

Maximum flow rate: -

Temperature range: 70 to 80 (≤ 95°C)

pH range: 3 to 7

Salt concentration: -

Shipping solvent: H2O/ACN = 75/25

USP: L19, L22

SUGAR SC-1211G 4A | 4.6 x 10 mm Vorsäule

Artikelnummer: F6700120

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